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Todreas: Rena Getz is a thoughtful leader

Despite the many letters of endorsement, we would like to add one more for Rena Getz.

Rena is a statesman, a thoughtful leader who deeply cares about our lives in Newton and is willing and able to work hard to maintain what we have and still grow the City. Yes, Rena stands for a studied balance between the values of the Garden City along with development that suits our land  and population — that holds dear and sustains our villages while adding affordable housing that will be integrated into the existing urban fabric. 

Trained as a scientist, Rena’s background helps her to assess every project proposed for its effect on the environment, the health of our residents, and our future lives. She sees beyond the superficial, and seeks legislation to protect us in a challenging time.

Rena has been committed to Newton, participating with vigor on issues as an elected member of the Waban Area Council, meticulously analyzing the details of every law proposed as to its short and long term effects and explaining in plain English its impact. Rena believes we, the people, deserve a voice in the happenings of our villages. 

For Rezoning, Rena recommends beginning with MBTA Communities Act, then deciding on the next step. A more reasonable approach than what is now proposed:   

SLAM/BAM! Add Village Center Overlay Districts. Do It Fast! Eliminate planning! Worry not about trees, traffic, pollution, foul air, kids’ lungs. Developers-just -do -it -all-now position that prevails among most of the old timers in the City Council.  

Our world has changed since the pandemic and is continuing to change. We cannot stand still and accept these fire-ready-aim outdated zoning concepts. WE need new thinkers on the City Council. We need Rena and more like her.

Carol and Neil Todreas

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