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Ruben: Doris Ann Sweet for Ward 4 Councilor

I support Doris Ann Sweet for Ward 6 Councilor. 

As a founder and leader of Engine 6, Doris Ann works to enable sensible middle-income, lower-income, and senior housing to help address the housing and climate crises.

Personally, I’m struck by the suffering caused by the housing shortage that causes sky-high rents and home prices. I know young people who want to live near their parents but move because they are priced out of the market. Likewise, many friends have been forced to leave because of exorbitant prices. Older residents also confront heartbreaking choices because senior housing is so limited and expensive.

Doris Ann’s advocacy also reduces the greenhouse gas emissions that worsen climate change. By supporting housing in Newton, particularly near village centers, she and her colleagues have enabled people to drive less because they live near jobs, transit, restaurants, and shopping.

By now, it’s very clear that rapidly advancing climate change poses a grave threat to our young and middle-aged people within their lifetimes. We need leaders like Doris Ann to help address this vexing problem.

Doris Ann’s opponent leads an organization that has opposed multi-family housing proposals that would alleviate the housing and climate crises.

If you live in Ward 4, please join me in voting for Doris Ann Sweet!

Dan Ruben

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