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Public Safety and Transportation – 9/20/2023 Report

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee voted to deny the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Appeal of Traffic Council Decision appealing installation of bicycle accommodations (lane) on Columbia Avenue in Ward 8 (7-0-1, Councilor Malakie abstaining). According to the report, a blind resident expressed concern that the bike lane would push car traffic too close to his house. The proposed bike lane would complete a connection between the Avalon development and Countryside School. The committee heard testimony from people in favor (Jenn Martin, Chair of the Safe Routes to School Task Force, Josh Ostroff, Director of Transportation Planning, Isaac Prizant, City Transportation Engineer, and Nathan Philips, member of the Steering Committee of Bike Newton, speaking only as a parent of two Newton Public School alumni) arguing for the need to create a safe biking route for students to get to school. The Committee also received emails against the appeal which are attached to the report (Jenn Martin, Michael Halle, Adam Peller, Adam Lipson, and Ed Olhava). Jini Fairley, the City’s ADA coordinator, spoke in favor of the appeal. After a lengthy discussion, the Committee voted to deny the appeal 7-0-1, Councilor Malakie abstaining.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to remand to Traffic Council for further review:

  • Appeal parking prohibition on Farwell Street south and west side from a point 170 feet west of Farwell Circle to North Street. According to the report, Farwell is a narrow street that is difficult for school buses and emergency vehicles to get through when cars are parked on both sides of the street. Neighbors spoke in opposition to the parking restrictions. The Committee expressed support to send the item back to the Traffic Council to work out a safe solution with the neighbors. The Committee voted 8-0.
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