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Posts published in October 2023

New Philharmonia Orchestra’s 2023-24 season — with “Pay What You Can” pricing at Grace Episcopal Church — starts Nov. 4

The New Philharmonia Orchestra‘s 2023-24 season, Tried, True & New!, offers three different programs featuring Beethoven, Sibelius, Copland, and Rachmaninoff, along with new works by New Phil members, percussionist John Tarrh and violist Bernhard Metzger. The 75-member nonprofessional regional orchestra, dedicated to presenting “Music for All,” will perform its 29th season in the…

Walk with a Doc: Health/Fitness Walk, Nov. 5

Walk With a Doc is hosting two one-hour long health/fitness walks in Brookline and Newton on October 29, and November 5 at 11:30AM. The walks will start at Brookline Reservoir (128 Dudley Street, Brookline) and will include an opportunity to learn about health topics geared towards 50-70-year-olds from a healthcare professional. For more…

Music Mondays: Kemp Harris, Nov. 6

Music Mondays — a women-run nonprofit presenting frequent, live music concerts — will present a solo performance by Kemp Harris on November 6, 2PM-3PM, both in-person at the Scandinavian Cultural Center’s Nordic Hall (206 Waltham Road, West Newton) and online (Zoom link Meeting ID: 849 5360 9563, Passcode: story). Admission is free…

Ward 8 Area Council debate recording [Updated]

The four Area Councils hosted a virtual debate for the Ward 8 Councilor seat on Saturday, October 28 from 12PM – 1PM. Candidate Stephen Farrell and current City Councilor Holly Ryan answered questions and discussed issues led by Marjorie Arons-Barron, former editorial director at WCVB-TV, Channel 5, Boston for 20…

Mark Development provides update on projects, will transfer ownership of Dunstan Residences

Mark Development recently shared an update on several Newton projects. In a press release, the company stated that the four approved projects — Dunstan Residences (Dunstan East), Crafts Street – Elder Housing with Services, West Newton Square (314 Washington Street), and Riverside Station — are still moving forward. Mark Development…

Revision – 10/25/2023

We revised NPS leadership and Mayor indicate agreement on budget increases, pending Superintendent’s analysis, based on information from the City’s Chief Operating Officer, Jonathan Yeo, to indicate that the new operational funding will not be targeted to FY 2024 but to the years FY 2025-32.

Papalia: Historic moment in Newton Corner – reopening of Grace Church Bell Tower

From the welcoming music of the Branches Steel Pan Orchestra of Mattapan to the resounding echoes of the Eldredge Chime, the atmosphere was electric with enthusiasm at the recent celebration of Grace Church’s 150th Anniversary. The event united more than 200 members, neighbors, and city officials, all sharing in the…

Roche: VCOD proposal is a thoughtful compromise

The proposed village-center rezoning reflects thoughtful compromise and tradeoffs. A core tradeoff: balancing intensity of multi-family residential development in existing commercial areas against a broad desire to minimize multi-family redevelopment, aka teardowns. City councilors Pam Wright and John Oliver (and others, including like-minded candidates in contested races) have recently and…

Albright: Zoning changes must be climate-ready

Climate change is accelerating rapidly. Extreme heat is the deadliest natural hazard in the U.S. “Heat islands” in the built environment amplify average temperatures and extreme heat, especially near major highways. This affects every Newton neighborhood. The National Climate Assessment shows more flooding in the Northeast, where the most extreme storms are generating 27% more moisture…

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