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Land Use – 9/19/2023 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Amendment to Special Permit Site Plan and Parking Waivers at 1349 Centre Street. The property is located in Ward 6. A tree was removed, with tree warden’s ok, and the area was paved over by the petitioner. Neighbors at the public hearing voiced concern about double parked cars and the lack of a sidewalk. The City will be installing a sidewalk, and the petitioner will add striping for parking to clarify the spots. The Committee voted 5-0-3 Councilors Downs, Kelley and Laredo Abstaining. See Special Permit documents and see Draft Council Order.
  • Request to extend two non conforming front setbacks at 147 Cherry Street. The In property is located in Ward 3. The Petitioner wants o construct a deck connecting porches on each street front which will extend the non-conforming setbacks. The Committee voted to approve 8-0. See Special Permit documents and see Draft Council Order.
  • Request to demolish the existing dwelling and allow three single-family dwellings at 236 Chapel Street. The property is located in Ward 1. According to the report, there appeared to be general support from neighborhood with one resident commenting that the petitioner worked with the neighborhood. One committee member expressed concern about lot coverage and the reduced side setback, and the Petitioner responded that a two-family with the same setbacks could be built by right but they decided to request three units and will try to minimize paving. The Committee voted to approve 6-1-1, Lucas opposed, Markiewicz abstained. See Special Permit documents and see Draft Council Order.
  • Request to allow a for-profit education use and to waive 19 parking stalls at 60 Highland Street – Second Church. According to the report, the approval of the request will allow the petitioner flexibility to rent out space to for-profit and non-profit uses as there appears to be more demand for their space. No changes are being proposed either to the building or the parking lot, there is public transit nearby, and the special permit will end if the Church went out of business. The Committee voted to approve 8-0. See Special Permit documents and see Draft Council Order.
  • Request to increase Special Permit parking waiver from 97 stalls to 172 stalls at 839-853 Washington Street. According to the report, approval of the request will allow current garage tenant parking spaces to be used by the public. The Petitioner filed two requests — this one to waive the parking stall requirement and another to modify the definition of “formula business” as it relates to a condition (Condition #3) for a previously approved special permit granted for 839-853 Washington Street – Washington Place. According to the report, Councilor Lucas motioned to separate the two requests. The Committee voted to approve the parking waiver request 7-1, Councilor Downs not voting. See Special Permit documents and see Draft Council Order.

The Land Use Committee voted to Hold:

  • Request to extend a nonconforming side setback for a detached garage at 75 Royce Road. According to the report, neighbors expressed concern about height, and the Committee requested the petitioner discuss the plans with the neighbors. The Committee voted to hold the item 7-0, Councilor Laredo recused.
  • Request to amend Condition #3 of Special Permit #179-19 at 839-853 Washington Street – Washington Place to modify the definition of “formula business.” According to the report, while there was support for the parking-requirement change, there was concern about changing the definition of “formula business.” One councilor asked if the increase in formula business is a result of not having enough potential tenants that can afford the rent, and the Petitioner responded that there is a need to blend national and local businesses. According to the report, he added, “many businesses are looking at the expansion model to be able to survive and pay the cost to run particular locations” and that he has seen “this trend nationwide.” One councilor noted that they would like the formula to encourage regional chains but not national chains. As noted above, a councilor requested the two items be voted on separately, and this item was held.
  • Request to Rezone 2 parcels to BU4 – 11 Florence Street from Multi-residence to Business Use 4 (BU4) and 318 Boylston Street from BU2 to BU4 and a Request to construct elderly housing with services. According to the report, three people spoke against or raised concerns about the project (flooding, noise, traffic, height of building), and one spoke in support, saying it is in scale with the neighborhood, but did express concerns regarding access entering the building. The Committee voted to hold the item 8-0.
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