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Land Use – 10/3/2023 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Request for Extension of Time to Exercise Special Permit #260-22 at 34, 36, 38, 48, 50 Crafts Street, 19-21 Court Street – Elder Housing with Services. The attorney for the Petitioner said they are requesting an extension to November 6, 2025 and the delay is due to market dynamics and this this is similar to other larger projects in the City. Concern was raised about the number of projects on hold by this particular petitioner though the Petitioner’s attorney said with project budgets have increased 50% and high interest rates have made investors reluctant. The Law Department said that while there is no limit on the number of extension requests, there is a three-year limit to exercise a special permit. After a motion was made for a one-year extension failed (2-4 Councilors Bowman, Greenberg, Kelley and Lipof opposed and Councilor Markiewicz not voting), a motion was made for a two-year extension which passed 5-0-1, Laredo abstaining, Markiewicz not voting).
  • Request to renovate and expand the detached accessory building for use as an accessory apartment with dimensional waivers further extending the nonconforming height and footprint at 193 Lake Avenue. According to the report, concern was raised regarding use of the structure but petitioner’s attorney reported that the intention was for family use and no intention to use is as a short or long-term rental. An abutter expressed concern about blocking of views from Crystal Lake – the architect’s renderings suggested that there was almost no impact on views from the south bedroom but some impact in water views from the north bedroom. After the Planning Department’s presentation and review of the draft Council Order, the Council voted 7-0 to approve.
  • Request to construct a onestory addition to the right side and rear of the dwelling exceeding the maximum FAR at 93 Ruane Road. According to the report, no one testified at the public hearing. The petitioner’s architect expressed his client’s wish to locate a two-car garage and family room in the back of the property. He reported that they have reached out to abutters and said that one abutter was concerned about the location of a dry well and they have responded by relocating it. The Committee voted 6-0 (Markiewicz not voting).
  • Request to raze an existing attached garage and construct first and second story additions, and to construct a second parking stall within the front setback at 70 Kingswood Road. According to the report, no one testified at the public hearing. The petitioner’s architect provided illustrations of area landscaping and driveways and added the they shortened the right side driveway to avoid damaging nearby tree roots. The Committee voted to approve 6-0 Markiewicz not voting.
  • Request to construct a storage warehouse for their tree removal business on the undersized lot which extends the nonconforming use and requires dimensional waivers at 0 Rumford Avenue. According to the report, no one testified. The Petitioner’s attorney said this special permit would allow for the clean up of the property, installation of drainage, and an extension of the sidewalk. The property abuts another landscaping building and next to an office building’s parking lot. Equipment would be stored in the building at night and employe cars will be stored in the building during the day. No leaves would be stored on the property – only wood chips for a short time. The Committee voted to approve 6-0, Councilor Markiewicz not voting)
  • Request to add 48 patio seats and remove eight parking stalls, and to amend Special Permit #172-98(2) at 9-13 Kenneth Street, 29 Kenneth Street, 118 Needham Street, and 122 Needham Street. According to the report, two members of the public spoke. One was an abutter who expressed concerns about the conditions of the road, that many patrons park on the road despite presence of No Parking Signs (Kenneth Street is a private way). Newton business owner Seana Gaherin expressed dismay with special permit process. It was noted that the petitioner was requesting approval for something they were already doing. The Petitioner agreed to update signage and work with neighbors to improve road conditions. The Committee voted 4-0-1, Kelley abstaining, , Bowman and Markiewicz not voting.

The following item was held.

  • Request to demolish the existing dwelling and construct four single-family attached dwellings with dimensional waivers, and to allow a driveway and parking within setback distances at 2202 Commonwealth Avenue. According to the report, two abutters testified and expressed concern with the driveway and proximity to an already difficult traffic area, concern with the density and height of the units but did note an interest in speaking with the Petitioner. The item was held 5-0, Councilors Bowman and Markiewicz Not Voting,
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