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Harney: Randy Block for Ward 4 Councilor

As someone who served for 14 years as the Ward 4 Alderman/City Councilor, I care deeply about our community and its future. With Councilor Chris Markiewicz stepping down, it is crucial that our next Ward 4 Councilor is familiar with Newton’s unique issues, challenges and opportunities, and has a solid actionable plan for addressing them. Given the important work that lies ahead for our community, I am strongly supporting Randy Block for Ward 4 City Councilor.

Randy and his wife Karen have been pillars of the Newton community for 33 years, raising their children here, and actively participating in the Williams School PTO and the Unitarian Universalist church in West Newton. Throughout his life and career, he has always had an unwavering commitment to helping others.

Randy is an advocate for balanced and responsible development, and believes in working with developers and neighborhoods to reach compromises that benefit everyone, as he did on the Riverside project in Ward 4 which received unanimous City Council approval. Randy will lead on protecting the environment by investing in parks and green spaces, strengthening the tree ordinance, and improving stormwater containment and management in Ward 4 and throughout the city.

Randy will put the interests of Ward 4 residents first, he will actually listen to their concerns, and he will analyze all sides of the important issues we are facing and how they affect our neighborhoods. He absolutely understands the role of the Ward Councilor, and strongly opposed the effort to eliminate the Ward Councilor seats on the Newton City Council.

I am confident that Randy Block is the leader Newton needs right now to continue the work that we’ve collectively started. I hope you will join me in supporting him in the upcoming election.

Jay Harney
Former Ward 4 Councilor

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