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Decter: Why I’m backing Gaynor for City Council

As a founder of the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA), a recipient of the Newton Human Rights award, as well as an advocate for civil rights, social and economic justice in a career spanning five decades, I am proud to endorse Dan Gaynor for City Council, Ward 2. I have known Gaynor for many years, and his dedication to our community — combined with his depth of experience — makes him the ideal candidate to represent the people of Newton.

Gaynor grew up on Cabot Street, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Shalom, and went on to serve our country as a Presidential Appointee for national security in the Obama-Biden administration. Gaynor now runs a small business in Newton and has advocated for more walkable and safer neighborhoods — from the protection of our wonderful Edmands Park to modernizing the Bullough’s Pond dam.

But above all, Gaynor’s embrace of objective data and facts as the foundation for decision-making will be a helpful addition to our City Council. Gaynor’s vision strikes a pragmatic balance between progress of our villages and preserving the character of our neighborhoods. Dan’s focus on walkability, affordability, and supporting local businesses aligns with the values we hold dear.

Dan Gaynor is a leader who will work tirelessly to make Newton the best place to raise a family, as well as a welcoming and thriving community for all. Gaynor earned endorsements from over half of the City Council and several local organizations, like Voters for a Vibrant Newton, highlighting his ability to bring communities together and find practical solutions to our City’s most pressing issues.

I urge all Newton residents to join me in supporting Dan Gaynor for City Council, looking  forward to a brighter and more inclusive future for our beloved city.

Sheila Decter
Newton Centre

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