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Crafts Street proposal for Elder Housing with Services gets a one-year extension, not two

In its meeting on October 16, the City Council voted to give the developers of the Crafts Street Proposal for Elder Housing with Services a one-year extension to exercise their special permit instead of the two years requested. Mark Development, in partnership with SRG Senior Living received approval last November to construct an elder housing project on Crafts Street consisting of a six-story building with independent, assisted living, and long-term memory care units totaling 233 beds.

Councilor Marc Laredo placed the item on second call to explain his reason for not supporting the request. He said that although the Land Use Committee routinely grants extension requests, this particular application is from a developer with multiple projects that are also not currently moving forward — citing to the Riverside project in Auburndale and Dunstan East in West Newton. He said while he believes the Crafts Street project is a good project and voted for it, he is concerned about granting a 2-year blanket extension. He argued that a one-year extension was very reasonable, and if the developer needs additional time, then the developer can come back and make that request.

Councilor Leary supported the one-year extension and said she believes it is good for developers to check in. She reminded colleagues that it is a difficult time for construction and pointed to the City’s own NewCAL project, which is facing delays to due construction costs.

Councilor Crossley asked if the Land Use Committee discussed the reason for the extension. She referenced a Chamber event where folks said it was likely to take 18 months for the construction industry to settle. Land Use Chair Rick Lipof said that the request was made for the same reason. (See Fig City News Meeting Report). He said that the Councilors have spent a lot of time reviewing and approving this project as well as others that are also stalled. He added that he is just “trying to be good to our customers here – who do business with the City and with the Land Use Committee, working together to find a way to get to approvals, and we did it here.” He said he did not think it was unreasonable to have the developers come back in a year, but it would most likely be 18 months to 2 years “until the ship is righted.”

Councilor Ryan said that she may have been one of the few votes against the original project because she believed the City can do better. She referred to the recent Sunrise Development in Newton Corner and said she would rather see housing with affordable units. She said, “We can do better. We need housing, not another high-priced nursing home.”

Councilors Lucas and Markiewicz said they voted for the project but support a one-year extension.

Councilor Bowman, who also supported the project, did not support a one-year extension. She believes a two-year extension request is reasonable given the state of lending and current costs of construction. She expressed concern that the developer would not get a second year extension and would then not go forward with the project.

Councilor Laredo said he was “worried about the residents of the City. They are my customers.” He argued that the Council has an oversight function and that it is in the public’s interest to know whether an approved project will go forward or not.

Councilor Malakie expressed concerns about the unfinished projects of this developer and, unlike Laredo, she wished they had more details. She reported that the Ward 3 Councilors were informed in August that a transaction would occur in September (referring to the Dunstan East project), but they have been recently informed it has been postponed until the end of December. She said the Santander project is on hold and the Riverside project is on hold. Councilor Malakie said, “It feels like being asked to hold a seat and we don’t know when they will come back to reclaim it. I think one year is actually generous.”

The Council voted in favor of amending the request from a two-year extension to a one-year extension (12-11 with 1 absent). The Council then approved a one-year extension (23-0 with 1 absent).

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