Echoing the October 4 decision of the Newton City Council’s Public Safety and Transportation Committee, the City Council voted 21-3 to reject a citizens’ petition to repeal Newton’s winter parking ban. Council President Susan Albright, Councilor Andrea Kelly, and Councilor Holly Ryan cast the dissenting votes. The petition, initiated by the Repeal the Ban campaign, aims to remove Newton’s winter-time ban on overnight street parking, except in the case of snow emergencies. Now that the City Council has voted “no,” proponents of repeal, who have been gathering signatures to require the Council to consider their petition, will continue to gather additional signatures to put a ballot question in front of voters in November, 2025 – the next municipal election. The Law Department has ruled that the group needs an additional 2,500 signatures for the petition to appear on the ballot.
Councilors Chris Markiewicz and Becky Grossman noted that Newton is on the brink of passing Village Center Overlay Design zoning, which would impact overall parking. Both represent wards with universities and were concerned about students’ long-term parking streets. They said that repealing the parking ban now and enacting something on a trial basis, to be repealed later, made no sense. Councilor Tarik Lucas added that putting more cars on the streets would also have a negative environmental impact.
PS&T Committee Chair Downs has indicated that she is already working with her colleagues and the Newton Police to review an earlier item docketed by President Albright and Councilor Kelly to alter the current parking ban to offer special permits for people who require easily accessed parking. Councilor Kelly indicated that she was looking forward to that option. Both President Albright and Councilor Downs noted that this must be completed before the end of the City Council’s term at year end.
Jeremy Freudberg, co-chair of the Repeal the Ban campaign, said after the meeting, “Last night’s vote was disappointing, but unfortunately expected. We are grateful for the Councilors who supported the trial, and stand ready to collaborate with all Councilors who expressed a desire to work towards targeted relief for this winter. Ultimately, our question will be on the ballot in 2025 — and we are fully confident that the needed signatures will be collected.”