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Balser: Endorsing Vicki Danberg

I have known Councilor Vicki Danberg for more than twenty years and have been impressed with her ability to collaborate with others and how effective she is. Her leadership has resulted in an impressive array of improvements for Newton. 

Vicki’s love for and commitment to the City can be seen in her strong support of our schools, for fair housing and the local business community, her services for children and seniors, her active support of the Climate Action Plan and her dedication and advocacy for Arts and Culture. 

Vicki worked with Newton traffic engineers to install Newton’s first bike lane in her own ward. She has been a strong advocate for housing and other amenities for seniors and mobility challenged people.

Vicki led Newton’s effort to get our sidewalks cleared and walkable in winter. She led the successful ban on polystyrene (Styrofoam) items packaged locally and black plastic take-out containers that will take effect March 1 of next year.  

Vicki is an effective leader who responds to her constituents and gets things done!  I proudly and enthusiastically support her re-election as Councilor-at-Large for Ward 6!

Representative Ruth B. Balser
Chestnut Hill

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