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Public Safety and Transportation – 9/6/2023 Report

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Increase temporarily the number of sworn firefighters from 193 FTEs to 197 FTEs. According to the report, this item is to allow the department to take in 9 new recruits. Currently, the Fire Department has 5 vacancies, with 6 upcoming retirements anticipated (anticipated retirees are out on disability or injury). The Committee voted to approve 5-0, Oliver and Malakie not voting.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted No Action Necessary (NAN) on the following:

  • Discussion with Police, DPW, and Inspectional Services on sidewalk obstructions. DPW asks contractors to move vehicles blocking paths, if they do not, the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) is contacted, and ISD can shut down the worksite. Every contractor is provided with the “Pedestrian Access During Construction” checklist at every site. Enforcement remains a ‘work in progress.’ Police can also issue citations if vehicles are on the sidewalk. It is against the City ordinance to block all 4 corners of an intersection at once. The city can trim trees and bushes on the sidewalk, police can fine residents for parking on the sidewalk. The numbers of trimming done and citations given were unavailable. The Committee voted NAN 5-0, Councilors Oliver and Malakie not voting,
  • Discussion with the administration and school officials on transportation priorities and public works/streets/sidewalks etc. The Director of Transportation Planning intends to update the 2016 Complete Streets Prioritization Plan (which omitted public bus accommodations). A draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Plan identifying priority projects in the City will have a public hearing in a couple of months. The Committee voted NAN 6-0, Councilor Malakie Not Voting.
  • Discussion regarding snow clearing, operations, and enforcement. According to the report, City Engineer Lou Taverna said that the total number of complaints between November 2021 to April 2023 was 2200, and they issued 207 warnings and 334 tickets. Residents paid 210 tickets and appealed 124 at Newton District Court. Approximately 1600 requests were not an issue because it was not 24 hours after the storm was declared over (which is declared by the Commissioner of Public Works). He added that those who frequently violated are issued tickets from the Department of Public Works (DPW) but that each year residents start with a clean slate. Last year’s data was not available. Sidewalk plowing operations, street plowing operations, DPW snow plan, sidewalk snow shoveling, etc. are online under DPW, Streets Division, Winter Storm Information. The area of Winchester Street/Route 9 is under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. Taverna said that the Department can maintain the existing routes with current personnel but they do not have the capacity to pick up additional routes. The Committee voted NAN 7-0.
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