After a 30-year career as a consumer rights attorney, Newton Centre resident Elizabeth Miller is now one year into her new venture — Rebooked, a curated resale business selling books and vintage items at pop-up markets and fairs in the Greater Boston area. With Rebooked, Miller curates used books and…
Posts published in September 2023
The Newton Gun Violence Prevention Collaborative is pleased to endorse Danny Gaynor for Ward 2 and Martha Bixby for Ward 6 in the upcoming Preliminary Municipal elections for City Council. Our endorsements reflect the candidates whose visions for gun violence prevention most closely align with ours: that is, a comprehensive approach that implements effective…
Dr. Peter Bruce is my choice for Ward 2 City Councilor. As past President of the Newtonville Area Council he has experience dealing with Ward 2 municipal problems. He has a balanced approach to the rezoning and reconstruction of our villages. He is a strong supporter of providing housing for families at the…
On September 5 at 7PM, Newton’s four Area Councils will present debates for contested seats for the preliminary contests for Ward Councilors in Wards 2 and 6. The debates will be moderated by Marjorie Aarons-Baron at the Allen Center and live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Recordings will be available afterward. Send questions in advance…
Voters for a Vibrant Newton, VVN, a political action committee, enthusiastically endorses Dan Gaynor for Ward 2 Councilor and Martha Bixby for Ward 6 Councilor for the September 12 preliminary elections for City Council. The Steering Committee of VVN voted unanimously to support Gaynor and Bixby based on their responses to our candidate questionnaire, their positions…
As of August 30, eighty-three Newton residents have signed up to walk a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon in the 2023 Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk on October 1. The Walk seeks to raise $9 million for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Newton resident Anya Rhodes, age nine, will participate…
Even though he can’t vote yet, 17-year-old Alan Cai knew from a young age he wanted to be involved in politics. After becoming a Newton poll worker, he said the experience “left me really inspired … to participate in our democratic process.” Without people like Cai and others across the…
All items were held (see Report and watch the video on NewTV’s YouTube channel). Straw votes were taken on the following items: Dimensional Standards – Sites Design Standards – Buildings Design Standards – Sites Danberg Opposed. Map Amendments – Newton Highlands (report link includes maps) Map Amendments –…
The Programs and Services Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV’s YouTube Channel): The Programs and Services Committee held the following: Public hearing: 4 spoke for the Newton Cemetery exemption in the draft proposal, 2 spoke against it; 1 spoke for the exemption…
All items were held (see Report and watch video on NewTV’s YouTube Channel. Straw votes were taken for the following items: Affordable Housing Bonus Parking Requirements Dimensional Standards for Buildings Dimensional Standards for Sites