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Monahan: Voters for a Vibrant Newton endorses Gaynor and Bixby

Voters for a Vibrant Newton, VVN, a political action committee, enthusiastically endorses Dan Gaynor for Ward 2 Councilor and Martha Bixby for Ward 6 Councilor for the September 12 preliminary elections for City Council. The Steering Committee of VVN voted unanimously to support Gaynor and Bixby based on their responses to our candidate questionnaire, their positions on the crucial matters of housing and climate, and their track records of public service. 

Bixby and Gaynor understand the critical need for more housing options to ensure that Newton remains a welcoming city. Both candidates recognize that allowing more homes near transit is the best way to accommodate our seniors and younger residents, address the climate crisis, support our local businesses, and ensure a solid fiscal future for our city.

The September 12, 2023, preliminary election is critical. Please vote for Gaynor for Ward 2 and Bixby for Ward 6 on election day or by Early Voting on September 5 and 6 at City Hall.

VVN Steering Committee includes:
Susan Davidoff                Kathy Pillsbury   
Rob Gifford                      Madeline Ranalli    
Susie Heyman                 Claire Sokoloff       
Brooke Lipsitt                 Lynn Weissberg
​Lisa Monahan     

Thank you,

Lisa Monahan

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