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Harrington: Peter Bruce for Ward 2 City Councilor

Dr. Peter Bruce is my choice for Ward 2 City Councilor. As past President of the Newtonville Area Council he has experience dealing with Ward 2 municipal problems. He has a balanced approach to the rezoning and reconstruction of our villages. He is a strong supporter of providing housing for families at the lower end of the Area Median Income scale, as opposed to the current practice of providing housing for upper income families and “gentrifying” our villages. He is concerned about protecting the environment, open space and maintaining our title of “Garden City.”

Peter Bruce says, “Critical thinking is most important. We must gather the facts and weed out the puffery before we vote.” Vote early on September 6, or vote next Tuesday, September 12, Preliminary Election day, for Peter Bruce.

(NOTE: Ward 2, Precinct 1 votes at the Scandinavian Living Center, 206 Waltham Street, corner of Crafts Street, not at the Albemarle Field House.)

Peter F. Harrington
Ward 2 resident and Past Vice President of the Newton Board of Aldermen.

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