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City Council Meetings – Week of 9/24/2023

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, September 26 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 30 Zoning Ordinances by adding a new Village Center Overlay District, consisting of four (4) district tiers, by establishing requirements for such District, and requesting amendments to the Zoning Map to include the Village Center Overlay District, and requesting amendments to the Zoning Map to include the Village Center Overlay District.
  • Request discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice element of the MA Economic Development legislation.

See the 155-page Planning Memo.

Finance Committee’s regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled. See Meeting Cancellation Notice.

Finance Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, September 28 at 7:30PM. The agenda includes the following requests:

  • Authorization to accept and expend $5,000 and to accept two pieces of real property (artwork) for the Department of Senior Services.
  • Appropriate and expend $10,831.12 from Handicapped Parking (H-P) Fines-Disability Commission Receipts Reserved for Appropriations Account to supplement funds being used at Williams Elementary School to purchase and install accessible play equipment and accessible picnic tables in the school playground.
  • Accept and expend $427,454.54 from an Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) through the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA. The grant funding awarded is going to be used by the Newton Fire Department to conduct Officer Training courses, Health and Wellness, RIT Training, to purchase new RIT Packs and a new cascade breathing air system.
  • Establish an “Operations Booster Stabilization Fund” to pay for a portion of the annual general fund appropriations for the City’s pension system; appropriate the sum of $20,500,000 Overlay Surplus as declared by the City’s Board of Assessors to the Operations Booster Stabilization Fund; and transfer the sum of $5,513,000 from the Appellate Tax Board Interest and Penalties Fund to the Operations Booster Stabilization Fund.

Traffic Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, September 28 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following requests:

  • Remove the accessible parking space at 35 Brookdale Road from the TPR, as it may no longer be needed.
  • Remove the accessible parking space at 21 Gardner Street from the TPR, as it may no longer be needed.
  • Remove the accessible parking space at 62 Bourne Street from the TPR, as it may no longer be needed.
  • Review the parking regulations on Crystal Street and Newbury Street, including prohibited parking on both sides of the street near the intersection of Crystal Street at Lake Avenue, as well as prohibited parking one side of the remainder of these three streets between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Note that Traffic Council may approve or deny this request, or may approve a different set of parking regulations.
  • Change the parking regulations on Allerton Road by adding a resident permit exception to the existing posted parking regulations on the east side of Allerton Road.
  • Create a 4-way stop-controlled intersection on Watertown Street at the intersection of Eliot Avenue and Eddy Street to improve safety. Note that a permanent 4-way stop at this intersection will require the removal of the Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon, which was installed on Watertown Street at this intersection.
  • Change the parking regulations on the south side of Longfellow Road, including the south side of the circle and cul-de-sac, from a “one-hour limit” to a “one-hour limit except by resident permit.”
  • Change the parking regulations on the north side of Ward Street between West Boulevard and Ashford Road to reflect changes due to sidewalk and ramp reconstruction.
  • Approve a ‘STOP’ sign at the Clifton Road NB approach to Hartman Road.
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