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Weissberg: Engine 6 endorses Gaynor and Bixby

Engine 6, Newton Housing Advocates, enthusiastically endorses Dan Gaynor for Ward 2 Councilor and Martha Bixby for Ward 6 Councilor in the Preliminary elections on September 12, 2023. We based our endorsements on the candidates’ responses to our questionnaire, their experience, and their positions on the pressing issues of housing and sustainability. Both candidates recognize that for Newton to be a truly welcoming and diverse community, we need more housing, both market-rate and affordable. They also understand that building more homes near public transit and our Village Centers is critical to addressing the global climate crisis. The stakes in these preliminary elections are high. We urge all Newton voters in Ward 2 and Ward 6 to vote on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 or by Early Voting.

Lynn Weissberg
Engine 6 Leadership Team

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