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Posts published in August 2023

CANCELED — Newton Conservators: Late Season Pollinators at Hammond Woods, Sept. 23

This event has been CANCELED due to forecast of rain. On Saturday, September 23, 10AM-12PM, former Deputy Director of Mass Fisheries and Wildlife Jon Regosin will lead the latest in a series of Newton Conservators BioBlitz outings – this one in Hammond Woods. Learn how to identify native plants, birds, butterflies,…

Additional meetings – Week of 8/20/2023

Sustainable Materials Management Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, August 24 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following: Newtonville Area Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, August 24 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

City of Newton 311 mobile app retired – Fig City News has you covered

Mayor Fuller announced last week that the City’s Newton 311 mobile app for customer service has ceased functioning and should be removed from mobile phones. Instead, residents should use the City’s Newton 311 website to report problems. Fig City News has added a link to the City’s Newton 311 website under “Look Here for…” in our top menu and added 311 capability to the Fig City News iOS app.

Friends of Edmands Park express concerns

Earlier this month, Harry Sanders, President of Friends of Edmands Park, led a group of City Councilors and neighbors on a tour of the parkland’s problem areas. Among the negative issues afflicting the 33-acre property are the impact of a polyethylene liner under the former skating lake, damaged stormwater infrastructure,…

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