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Newton Conservators webinar: Using iNaturalist app to identify plants and animals, Sept. 13

The Newton Conservators will host a webinar on September 13 at 7PM about how to use the iNaturalist app to identify plants and animals. Sign up here.

iNaturalist is a web-based tool for natural history learning and biodiversity tracking.  Users can take a few pictures of an interesting butterfly and post them to iNaturalist. iNaturalist can help identify the butterfly with computer-driven algorithms and crowd-sourced recommendations from a community of experts. iNaturalist can show other observations of the butterfly in Newton or any geographic area.

The Newton Conservators is using iNaturalist for open space biological inventories and bioblitz events.

Jon Regosin, Director of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and returning board member of Newton Conservators, will host the webinar. Jon’s iNaturalist observations can be seen here.

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