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City Council Meetings – Week of 8/13/2023

Public Facilities will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, August 14 at 6:45PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Petition by Eversource for a grant of location to relocate a pole east of Hammond Pond Parkway approximately 3 feet west of the current location – 1-27 Boylston Street.

Finance will meet in person (Council Chamber ) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, August 14 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following requests:

  • Accept and expend $150,000 earmarked in the 2022 State Economic Development Bill for Newton’s Bluebikes system.
  • Accept and expend $50,000 from the National Recreation and Park Association’s 2023 Danaher Biodiversity Grant Program to the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture for the Marty Sender Greenway Phase 2 Restoration project.
  • Accept and expend $1,250,000 earmarked in the 2022 State Economic Development Bill for the Christina Street Bridge and Path Project.
  • Transfer and expend $200,000 from the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund to the Newton Communications Access Center, Inc. (NewTV) to support public, educational, and governmental access cable television services and this financial strategy.

City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, August 14 at 7:45PM (see Reports Docket and New Docket). You can also watch a live broadcast of the meeting on NewTV’s government channel (Comcast 9, RCN 13, 614HD, Verizon 33) or on NewTV’s Vimeo channel.

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, August 15 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

Chair’s note: The Committee will review and discuss the text by substantive sections as per the staff outline, take straw votes on each section, and consider amendments relevant to each section.

  • Request for a review, discussion, and possible ordinance amendments relative to Chapter 30 zoning ordinances pertaining to Mixed Use, business districts, and village districts relative to the draft Zoning Ordinance.
  • Request for a discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice element of the MA Economic Development legislation.

Programs and Services will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, August 16 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Janet Huettig and Dr. Carolyn Bernstein to the Health and Human Services Advisory Council

Chair’s Note: The Chair will entertain public comment regarding the following two items:

  • Request for revisions and amendments to Chapter 21, Art. III Trees (sec. 21-60 through 2189) to extend tree protection to all trees 6 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) and greater within the City (with no exempt lots); to update tree removal permits, fees, and compensation; and to strengthen protection for existing and replacement trees (City Council version)
  • Request for a review and amendments to Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3, Tree Preservation to increase replacement requirements for larger trees, add protections for smaller trees, limit removal of trees without replacement, enhance procedures for protecting trees, increase payment required for trees cut without replacement, protect trees on lots adjacent to construction, provide Tree Warden with additional professional input on trees on private properties (Executive and Tree Warden Version)
  • Request for the following non-binding advisory question be placed on the November 7, 2023, municipal ballot: “Should the Newton City Council vote to adopt a zoning ordinance for Newton village commercial centers so that parcels under 30,000 square feet would have the opportunity to be redeveloped to construct multifamily housing, or a mix of businesses and multi-family housing, in buildings up to 3.5 to 4.5 stories high, without requiring onsite parking and prior approval from the City Council?”
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