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Zoning & Planning Committee – 06/20/23 Report

The Zoning & Planning Committee voted to hold the following (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Discussion and review relative to the draft Zoning Ordinance regarding village centers (8-0). The Planning Dept gave an overview of the proposed Village Center Overlay District (VCOD), and how this proposal will allow the City to comply with MBTA Communities Guidelines. The Planning Department believes VCOD growth in student population will be incremental and spread across City, parking will be built as the market demands it, and having no minimum requirement benefits existing buildings by not requiring they get a parking waiver when tenant turnover occurs and that parking will be built as the market demands it. Riverside is not included in VCOD.
  • Discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice Bill (8-0) was discussed with the above item.

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