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What’s Up in Newton this Week – 7/2/2023

This week there will be no meetings of the City Council, School Committee, or Design Review Team.

Newton’s Fourth of July Celebration events will take place on Tuesday. Check for updates on weather.

Board and Commissions

Three meetings, all on Thursday evening:

Conservation Commission

  • Notice of Intent for an addition above a garage: 17 Hagen Road 
  • Requests for Extensions on Orders of Conditions (OOC): Teardown/rebuild at 58 Everett Street and two-car detached garage/new driveway at 24 Village Road
  • Certificate of Compliance (COC) for masonry, landscaping, and removal of greenhouse and shed and addition at 39 Norwood

Newton Highlands Area Council

  • 1114 Beacon Street sold
  • Village Day results
  • Village Enhancement Project open discussion
  • Zoning redesign

Newtonville Historic District Commission

  • Violation and remediation of violation of Certificate of Appropriateness at 34 Prescott Street

Road Closures

In addition to this week’s road construction schedule, there will be these road closures for Fourth of July events (and additional parking restrictions as posted around these areas):

  • 9:30AM-12:30PM: Tyler Terrace will be closed between Centre and Pleasant Streets.
  • 5PM-11PM:
    • Albemarle Road between Watertown and Crafts Streets, both sides
    • Albemarle Road (southbound) at North Street
    • Crafts Street between Waltham and California Streets
    • Edinboro Street
    • Minot Place
    • North Street between Albemarle Road (northbound) and Crafts Street
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