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Public Safety and Transportation – 6/21/2023 Report

Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to hold the following (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Request for a discussion with the Chief of Police on security measures taken for the Boston Marathon, not limited to but including personnel hours and equipment used by the Police Department and updates on any incidents, disturbances, interrogations, calls to dispatch, and/or arrests along the marathon route on April 17. NOTE: The Report contains a timeline of the sequence of events.

Police Superintendent McManus explained the timeline and actions regarding keeping spectators off the race course. Police were called 4 times about one group. Alcohol is banned in Newton, alcohol and confetti cannons are banned in Boston, and drones are used for surveillance. A Newton Police Sergeant was in charge of the bike unit. After Ruby Ridge, decisions of a number of officers and methods were made on site. Police have not yet spoken with groups. Chief Carmichael reached out to the groups but the Chief has not received a response. The Chief and Mayor Fuller were not invited to the meetings between the groups and the BAA. The concern of the Police was not how the groups partied, but the incursions onto the race course. 

Councilors Malakie and Grossman received emails from the groups, wondering where the connection broke down.

The BAA, not the City. puts up barricades and decides what type is needed (metal versus ropes). 

Councilor Bowman was concerned about bikes being used as a weapon by police. She did not see the group as violent or out of control.

There were concerns about police feeling supported by the community.

There was a suggestion not to have officers on both sides of a group (Commonwealth Avenue and the carriage lane). 

Councilor Markiewicz requested a public hearing on the issue.

  • Update on the West Newton Square Enhancement Project (Committee voted 6-0, Councilors Lipof and Bowman not voting): The Director of Transportation Operations said the City is still adjusting the plan based on observations, including a “revised signal timing and a coordination plan.” There has been an increase in east/west traffic on Washington Street — Lowell to Chestnut Street and the reduction from 2 lanes to 1 lane is not definite as they are still in the planning stage. Cyclists have reported that the road is safer.

The right lane turn onto Cherry Street is to become a straight or right-lane turn.

The City has installed GPS emergency vehicle traffic signal prioritization, in part because emergency vehicles approaching from the west cannot see traffic until they are very close.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted No Action Necessary (NAN) on the following:

  • Discussion regarding the residential parking program (5-0, Councilors Lipof, Oliver and Lucas not voting): Councilors asked why parking permits could not be sold online. The Police said residency needs to be verified at the Traffic Bureau. The City only accepts checks or money orders for permits. Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Yeo said tbe financial feasibility of online permits will be looked into.
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