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Public Facilities Committee – 06/21/23 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Eversource request for a Grant of Location in Nevada Street for a conduit to bring electricity to a renovated home – (6-0, Councilor Norton not voting).
  • Appointment of Jon K, Slote to the Citizens Commission on Energy  (6-0, Councilor Norton not voting)
  • Appointment of Vincent McKay to the Sustainable Materials Management Commission (6-0, Councilor Norton not voting)
  • Request for $1,000,000 from the Water and Sewer Funds for Wash Bay Project at the Crafts Street yard for stormwater, sewer, and electrical work (5-0, Councilor Norton and Kelly not voting). According to the report, the project was added to the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) in 2014 and the scope of work has increased. The stormwater feed, sewage feed, and electrical services to the building need to be replaced and the funding will be split between the water and sewer accounts and includes the contingency.
  • Request for temporary construction easements on the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway project in Auburndale. (4-0-1, Councilor Norton and Kelley not voting and Councilor Gentile abstaining). The City’s Engineer, Lou Taverna explained that the project goes from the Marriot Hotel to Higgins Avenue and that MassDOT requires the City to take these easements for 3 years. Abutters are to be offered compensation based on the City’s appraisal. City Engineer Taverna explained that the total cost would be approximately $229,000 for all 18 properties. Chief Operating Officer Yeo explained that the appraisal was paid from the City’s operating budget and that compensation for the abutters will be paid through ARPA funds. They will have 1 to 2-ft easements needed for sidewalk construction. Easements are to be funded with ARPA funds. The item was approved subject to second call.

The Public Facilities Committee voted to hold the following:

  • Discussion regarding the new Stormwater Ordinance and how it will be enforced (6-0, Councilor Kelley not voting). The goal for 2023 is to work on a phosphorus-reduction plan. The stormwater ordinance created a permit process with a fee based on the type of project, beginning at the end of June 2022, to ensure developments control and treat stormwater runoff on-site. There have been 96 major permits and 22 minor permits issued. Councilors requested a copy of the annual report for phosphorus control that is due on September 30.
  • An update on the status of implementing the Climate Action Plan (6-0, Councilor Kelley not voting). Co-director of Sustainability, Bill Ferguson, gave an update on municipal clean energy, energy efficiency, and solar. 25 City EV chargers have been installed, phase 3 solar projects are set to start construction next calendar year, Albemarle Library now uses heat pumps and its fossil fuel system has been removed. Ferguson was unsure how City vehicle electrical use compares with gas use.
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