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Posts published in July 2023

Festa finale

The 88th Nonantum Festa Italiana was a mix of summer celebration, nostalgia, and a community coming together for mutual support — especially this year following the recent murder of three cherished residents. For five days — July 12-16 — Nonantum village was a mix of carnival rides and booths, evening…

Festa slideshows

Here’s a slideshow of photos from the first evening of the 88th annual Festa in Nonantum. And here are photos from other evenings and the finale from other Fig City News photographers.

Festa celebrates St. Mary of Carmen

For eighty-eight years, the St. Mary of Carmen Society (for Italian men) has dedicated itself and its annual “Festa” to nurturing and celebrating the Nonantum community. At its inception, it was the inspiration of a group of Italian immigrants who decided to form a “mutual benefit society” to help member…

Nonprofit FamilyAid aims to develop Chetwynde site for transitional housing for families facing homelessness

FamilyAid — a Boston-based nonprofit focused on reducing homelessness and increasing housing stability — is partnering with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) to create a “Family Navigation Center” in Newton on the site of the former Chetwynde nursing home (1650 Washington Street, next door to…

Eastern Bank Foundation honors Josephine McNeil for leading CAN-DO, making affordable housing available

Josephine McNeil, Co-Founder and Executive Director of CAN-DO has received a 2023 Community Advocacy Award and award grant from the Eastern Bank Foundation for CAN-DO’s role in helping low and very low income residents of Newton access affordable housing and get access to the services they need to achieve more financial security and housing…

Two additional meetings this week …and a correction

Newton Affordable Housing Trust (NAHT) will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, July 20 at 4PM. The agenda includes the following: Urban Tree Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Friday, June 21 at 7:45AM. The agenda includes the following: CORRECTION: In Monday’s What’s Up…

Summer check-in: Open issues at NPS

School may be out, but several issues of concern to NPS parents remain top-of-mind for educators, parents, and administrators. NTA contract negotiations, lunch pricing, and Ward/Underwood planning remain unresolved. Contract Negotiations As previously covered by Fig City News, the current contract with the Newton Teachers Association expires on August 31.…

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