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New NPS Superintendent calls for postponement of Ward/Underwood recommendation

New Newton Public Schools Superintendent Anna Nolin has sent a memorandum to the School Committee recommending that the Underwood and Ward Task Force be “concluded” without issuing further guidance to the community about the future of the two schools. During the June 12 School Committee meeting, the Task Force issued a preliminary Mission Statement, which led to concerns in the community about potential changes in the assignment of students to schools as soon as the 2024-2025 academic year. That meeting of the School Committee (previously reported by Fig City News) concluded with the School Committee postponing a vote on accepting the preliminary Mission Statement.

Dr. Nolin assumed the superintendent position on July 1, and her memo is dated Monday, July 3. The memo states that the school district needs strategic clarity from the School Committee regarding items such as goals for overall enrollment-per-school, citywide facilities planning, and possible updates to enrollment projections. The memo calls for the School Committee to convene “as soon as possible” for the purpose of discussing long-term planning, which she hopes will culminate in a “five year strategic plan.”

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