The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report):
- Appointment of Alexander B. Jablon to the Financial Audit Advisory Committee (8-0)
- Request to appropriate $1,000,000 for Wash Bay Project at the Crafts Street yard (8-0). Funds from the Water and Sewer accounts are to be used to replace the water and sewer system and electrical mains. The report notes that Public Buildings is anticipating a 50/50 split of the funds being appropriated between Sewer and Water and that any funds not used would remain with the water and sewer accounts.
- Request to appropriate $11,847.54 for the full and final settlement of the Eastern Bus Company Inc. v. City of Newton case(8-0). The incident occurred in May 2022 involving a city street sweeper side-swiped a bus. No one was injured and the Bus Company and City have agreed to evenly split the cost of the crash.
- Request to appropriate $90,000 from the BAA Marathon Account to a Parks, Recreation & Culture Account for playground improvements. (7-0-1, Councilor Kalis abstaining). Concerns were raised on the allocation of funds as well as whether funds could be considered a surplus from the Marathon or reimbursement for Police and DPW costs.