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What’s Up in Newton this week – 6/4/2023

City Council

The Full Council will meet tonight. Items up for a vote include:

  • Conversion of an existing personal training facility into a physical therapy facility – 552-554 Commonwealth Avenue
  • Rear lot subdivision – 19 Staniford Street
  • Use of 22,000 sq. ft. of “shell space” in the Emergency Department for an additional 24 – inpatient beds – Newton-Wellesley Hospital
  • Adoption of an ordinance to prohibit the purchase or application of anti-coagulant rodenticides by the City or City contractors
  • $5,834,362 to the control of the Planning & Development Department and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for Phase III of the Gath Memorial Renovation Project
  • Free Cash Appropriations:
    • $1,500,000 for Fire Rescue Overtime
    • $640,000 for the Newton Police IT Department
    • $250,000 for Police Patrol Overtime
    • $750,000 for the Newton Free Library’s HVAC system
    • $10,000,000 for the Lincoln-Eliot Elementary School construction project
  • Approval of increases to the retiree Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) base from $12,000 to $13,000 in FY24, from $13,000 to $14,000 in FY25, and from $14,000 to $15,000 in FY26 effective July 1, 2023.
  • Appointment of Alexandra Fuchs as a Newton Library Trustee
  • Reappointments:
    • Nancy Levine and John McDermott to Election Commission
    • MaryLee Belleville to Dogs Off-Leash Advisory Committee
  • Approval of grant of location to install and maintain gas main in Valentine Street

New Docket includes the following:

  • Request for an Administrative Site Plan Review to allow a religious use and a Special Permit to allow a restaurant with more than 50 seats, and associated parking waivers at 1173-1177 Walnut Street
  • Request to allow a drive-in business and associated parking waivers, to allow a freestanding sign and to allow oversized directional signs at 940 Boylston Street
  • Petition to rezone lots on Charles Street – near 132 Charles Street from Manufacturing to Mixed Use – 1
  • Discussion and possible ordinance to allow for breweries, brew pubs, and other craft beverage production
  • Expansion of Noticing for Zoning Changes
  • Citizens Group Petition on Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3 – Tree Preservation Ordinance
  • Request to appropriate $11,847.54 for the full and final settlement of Eastern Bus Company Inc. v. City of Newton
  • Appropriate $136,020 from the Water Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to cover outstanding debt service
  • Transfer any unexpended General Fund Municipal health insurance funds to the Health Insurance Trust Fund
  • Request for temporary construction easements for the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway construction project in Auburndale
  • Request for salary increase for City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council
  • Request to appropriate $1,000,000 from both the Sewer and Water funds to complete the Wash Bay Project at the Crafts Street yard
  • Discussion and possible ordinance amendment concerning noticing requirements for special permits, Traffic Council items, and other proposed changes
  • Request to increase the spending limits 3 Revolving Accounts: (1) Senior Citizen Programs, (2) Environmental Science, (3) Off-Leash Dog Administration revolving funds
  • Request to appropriate $300,000from Free Cash to replace a 1989 Fire Emergency Response Unit

Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday. 6 public hearings are scheduled including:

  • Three requests to amend previously approved Special Permits regarding condition on vibration control:
    • 136-144 Hancock Street – also a request to amend condition on units to conform to MAAB requirements
    • 106 River Street
    • 71 Commonwealth Avenue
  • Construction of a sunroom addition at the rear of the dwelling at 76 Drumlin Road
  • Expansion of a nonconforming detached garage at 231-233 Tremont Street
  • Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of four residential units in two buildings with dimensional waivers at 20 Clinton Street

Programs and Services Committee will meet twice this week:

  • Wednesday, June 7: 3 appointments; salary increase for City Clerk; funding to replace election equipment, new tabulator, and increase in the vote by mail processing, $9,099,787 appropriation request (($4,099,787) from the CPA’s Unrestricted Prior Year Fund and $5,000,000 in bonding to fund Athletic Fields CIP Construction Phase III project; Tree Preservation Ordinance amendments
  • Thursday, June 8: Public Hearing on Citizens Group Petition to place a nonbinding advisory question on the ballot regarding Zoning

Public Safety and Transportation Committee will meet on Wednesday and review semi-annual public auto inspections reports; $300,000 to replace Fire Emergency Response Unit; discussion on EV battery fires with the Fire Chief; and review and appeal of a Traffic Council decision regarding a stop sign on the traffic island at the northwest corner of the Clark Street and Rowena Road intersection.

No Public Facilities Committee meeting this week.

School Committee

School Committee will meet in Executive Session on Monday for another strategy session regarding collective bargaining with the Newton Teachers Association.

Boards and Commissions

Planning and Development Board will meet on Monday and review a recommendation on Landmark Proposal for 89-93 Wyman Street and discuss Village Center Zoning Version 2.0 and compliance with the MBTA Communities Law

Fair Housing Committee will meet on Wednesday and will receive a presentation on Zoning Redesign, an update on Fair Housing testing, and regular subcommittee updates.

Newton Upper Falls Historic District Commission will meet on Thursday and review 4 petitions:

  • Update of gas station signs and canopy at 1010 Chestnut Street
  • Installation of metal railings at 13-19 Winter Street
  • Demolition of a rear addition and rebuild of a foundation; and repair/replace 2 chimneys at 1036-1038 Chestnut Street
  • Window replacement at 34 High Street

Waban Area Council will meet on Thursday and receive updates on Waban Village Day (May 21) and the landmark considerations at Newton Historial Commission; and discuss Zoning updates: Village Center Rezoning, compliance with MBTA Communities Act, and Waban resident survey on Village Center Overlay Districts.


The Upper Middlesex Commission on the Status of Women is hosting a Virtual Townhall on Eldercare: “What to expect and what you need to know” on Monday, June 5, from 6PM – 7:30PM (see Flyer). The event will bring together experts and state legislators to discuss current legislation focused on eldercare include: evaluation, care management, caregiver support, access to free and fee-based services, and how to advocate for eldercare employee benefits. Speakers include:

  • Jennifer Roecklein-Canfield, Ph.D., Regional Commissioner
  • State Senator Jason Lewis
  • Kelly Magee-Wright, Minuteman Elder Services
  • Dr. Julie Norstrand, Newton Council on Aging: HelpMyAgingParents, LLC

The Commission is inviting all to complete this Planning for Caregiving survey.

Register for the event here.

Two items related to gas:

  • Mayor Fuller submitted a letter of support to Governor Healey, DPU Chair Van Nostrand, and Commissioners Fraser and Rubin regarding Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP), which was promulgated in 2014 by the Department of Public Utilities and prioritizes replacement over repair. The letter acknowledges the shared goals to reduce reliance on natural gas and fossil fuels and recognizes that some degree of reliance will be necessary until we reach that goal but argues that the first priority should be fixing the most dangerous gas leaks over replacement given the risks to health and safety and the “greenhouse gas implications of the leaks.”
  • Ward 1 at-Large Councilor Alison Leary submitted a letter to the City Council urging support for H.3137/SD.2603 An act relative to intervenors and utility work, known as the “Empowering Municipal Voices” bill. Leary urges support for the bill as it will provide municipalities more authority to obtain information about the gas system and “intervene at the Department of Public Utilities (DPU and to collect damages to trees and other property from gas leaks or construction activity.”

This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.

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