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Public Facilities – 5/4/2023 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to approve these requests (see Report):

  • Transfer $1,500,000 from DPW Admin-Full Time Salaries account to DPW Admin-Paving Supplies to improve the City’s roadways, sidewalks, and ramps with the goal of continuing to improve the city’s roadways, sidewalks, and ramps. According to the report, “Commissioner McGonagle explained that this will bring the budget of the Transportation Network Improvement Plan to $9.5 million. He also noted that the Department has had an all-time high for vacancies over the winter months at 54 and now there are 44 vacancies.” The Committee voted to approve 5-0.
  • Appropriate $1,000,000 to DPW’s Vehicle Equipment Account from Free Cash to fund the vehicle replacements per the City’s Vehicle Replacement Schedule as detailed in the FY24-FY28 C.I.P. The equipment includes 2 street sweepers, a utility truck for the traffic division, 2 asphalt rollers, a work van for the Public Building Department, and a backhoe for the streets division. The Committee voted to approve 5-0.
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