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Newtonville Area Council Launches Village Center Rezoning Survey

On Friday, May 26th, the Newtonville Area Council (NAC) launched a survey soliciting citizen input as the City Council and Newton’s Planning Department develop new zoning rules for Newtonville’s village center. The NAC invites any resident who lives in or comes to Newtonville to participate in the survey. When completed, the NAC plans to share its results with the Zoning and Planning Committee, City Council, and the Mayor. Jennifer Bently, NAC President, asks people to take the survey, explaining:

“The Newtonville Area Council created this survey to both inform residents and businesses of Newtonville about the impending zoning changes coming to their village center and to gather real-time opinions about these rezoning initiatives to present to ZAP and the City Council. We took great effort to phrase the questions in this survey to keep them as unbiased as possible to guarantee a true reflection of all of the resident’s and business needs and wants during this process. We want to ensure that Newtonville remains vibrant and engaging to residents, shoppers, and businesses, and we hope that the rezoning changes take the opinions of Newtonville’s daily users into account.”

Newly elected NAC Vice President Laura DeVeau, who led the survey working group said this survey would be followed by others focusing on a range of local issues. In its introduction to the survey, the NAC noted: “Since the primary function of the Area Council is to serve as a conduit to the City Council, these surveys are being developed so we can share the community’s opinions with the City Council.” The working group included former NAC president Peter Bruce, current members Carolyn Gabbay, Ralph Abele, and Laura DeVeau, and Newtonville resident, Dan Cohen.

The survey includes specific proposed zoning redesign information and asks people to rate their support for the new regulations. Among the issues addressed are building heights, density, parking options, affordable housing, rental developments, ownership opportunities, and an overall reaction to the proposed zoning changes. In addition to the survey, the NAC includes links to its website, Mayor Fuller’s newsletters, and those of City Councilors who also produce regular newsletters.

Dr. DeVeau, who has lived in Newton since 2008, is planning to leaflet the Newtonville Area providing people with access information about the survey, and walked around the Memorial Day Parade route handing out survey flyers. “I am hoping the feedback is broad,” she said, adding, “We hope to be more intentional about hearing from people on the street.” The deadline for filling out the survey is June 18th ahead of ZAP’s next public hearing on June 26th.

In 2018, the NAC produced the Envisioning Washington Street survey, an initiative led by former member Tarik Lucas, now Ward 2 At-Large City Councilor. The Envisioning Washington Street survey asked people to express preferences for the height, density, and type of development along Washington Street and was sent to 11,000 residents of Wards 1, 2, and 3. Approximately 2,500 people responded, indicating that should not be higher than four stories and there should be a mix of multi-use construction combining residential and commercial space. The survey’s results and methodology are available here on the NAC webpage. “Surveys are a great way to solicit opinions and ideas,” Councilor Lucas said.

The survey can be found here.

–Editor’s Note: Martina Jackson is a former Vice President of the Newtonville Area Council.

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