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NewtonSERVES works wonders with fewer volunteers

This year, NewtonSERVES — the City’s annual day of community service projects — drew fewer volunteers that usual but nevertheless accomplished an amazing amount of beautification and habitat restoration across the city. NewtonSERVES ran 36 projects last Sunday and is running ten more during this month. Most of the projects were focused on cleaning up school grounds and parks, as well as removing invasive species from conservation lands.

Derek Mannion, Superintendent of Maintenance

Here’s a quick tour of some of the projects. It starts with Derek Mannion, Superintendent of Maintenance for the Department of Parks, Recreation & Culture — about to celebrate 20 years with the City — who oversees NewtonSERVES. Sunday morning, he had materials for all the project managers to pick up.

And then the slideshow tour goes to Wellington Park, Dolan Pond, Franklin Elementary School, Newton North High School, Cabot Park, Mason-Rice Elementary School, Newton South High School, Brown Middle School, Oak Hill Middle School, Countryside Elementary School, and Cold Spring Park …to pick just a few of the many projects on a beautiful day of beautification.

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