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National Grid crews prepare to conduct an emergency repair to the gas line underneath Homer Street between Newton City Hall and the Eversource high voltage sub-station.

Grade 1 hazardous gas leak discovered between City Hall and Eversource substation — emergency repair in progress

At 4:30 PM on Wednesday night, Newton resident Nathan Phillips — who has been raising the alarm over what he considers an unsafe degree of leaks from National Grid gas piping in the area — measured an explosive level of methane (6%) in an Eversource electrical manhole on Homer Street between City Hall and the Eversource High Voltage substation.

Concerned by the explosive level and its proximity to high-voltage electrical equipment, Phillips called 911, and Newton Fire and National Grid responded immediately. The National Grid technician measured a methane level of 45%, and the site was declared a hazardous Grade 1 leak, and a repair crew was immediately dispatched. As of 7:30 PM, the crew was preparing to excavate the site to repair the leak.

The substation at 374 Homer Street was the site of a June 20, 2022 explosion and fire that injured an Eversource worker and knocked out power to 2500 homes.

Separately a major natural gas leak erupted from a high-pressure, 6-inch line at The Street in Chestnut Hill at 2 PM on Monday, at the demolition site of the old theatre. Witnesses reported an audible roar from the leak.

A National Grid technician measuring a methane concentration of 45% from the manhole located between Newton City Hall and the Eversource High Voltage substation on Homer Street.
The door to the Eversource High Voltage substation on Homer Street.
National Grid crews prepare to conduct an emergency repair to the gas line underneath Homer Street between Newton City Hall and the Eversource high voltage substation.
A NationalGrid repair crew arrives on Homer Street next to Newton City Hall.
Video provided by Nathan Phillips of his measurements of explosive levels of methane exiting the manhole on Homer Street between Newton City Hall and the Eversoruce high-voltage sub-station on Wednesday around 4:30 PM.

Ed. Note: In an earlier version of this article, the caption in the last photo incorrectly identified the crew as being from Eversource rather than National Grid.

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