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Finance Committee – 05/08/23 Report  

The Finance Committee voted to approve the following requests (see Report):

  • Accept and expend $2,500 from the Mass Cultural Council for the purpose of supporting the Family FunFEST event scheduled for May 13 and 14, 2023.
  • Accept and expend $15,830 from the Mass Cultural Council to support the Cultural Development’s recovery efforts due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the report, “this money would focus on visual arts and updating gallery spaces within City Hall….also help market Newton’s toddler art and music program which had shut down during the pandemic.”
  • Transfer $1,500,000 from DPW Admin Full-Time Salary Account to DPW Admin-Paving Supplies Account to allow DPW to reach the target spending of $9.5 million for FY23, with the goal of continuing to improve the City’s roadways, sidewalks, and ramps. Deputy Commissioner Shawna Sullivan reported that there was a 25% vacancy rate last year in the Department of Public Works (50 positions) and there are currently 44 open positions. Wages are in line with other communities but the City cannot compete with private sector pay. The funds would be from open positions to hire contractors to complete the work. 

    Deputy Commissioner Sullivan noted that “Ward and Waverly will be paved, and sidewalks repaired. Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway from Beaumont Avenue to right before Ash Street will be paved. There will be a total of 44 neighborhood roads completed this year.”
  • Appropriate $1,000,000 from Free Cash to DPW’s Vehicle Equipment Account. Deputy Commission Sullivan requested approval for funds for the purchase of 6 vehicles: 2 street sweepers, a utility truck, 2 asphalt rollers, and a backhoe adding that these vehicles are from 2009 and 2012, and that a decision needed to be made before June. The Committee voted 2-1, Councilor Gentile opposed, Councilors Grossman, Malakie, and Oliver abstained.
  • Transfer $21,950 from City Council-Full Time Salaries account for an Online Code Management Program to upgrade the codification technology and web hosting of our City code. Funds will come from unspent City Clerk office salaries due to vacancies. With regard to the reason for vacancies, they are assessing salaries to see if they are competitive.
  • Appropriate $55,000 for the full and final settlement of Alison Larkin v City of Newton (6-0).
  • Appropriate $525,000 for the full and final settlement of John Doe, Jane Doe, and David Doe (6-0) The specifics of the settlements were discussed in executive session.
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