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What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/23/2023

=>Key Points this Week<=

City Council

Finance will meet TONIGHT to discuss the following:

  • Comptroller submission of Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports and external audit reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022
  • Request to appropriate and bond $1.15 million for Franklin Elementary School
  • Accept two Combination Dynamic Speed Feedback and School Zone Speed Limit Sign Assemblies, awarded through the MassDOT Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program
  • Grant approval to enter into a five-year contract with a Parking Enforcement Services Vendor
  • Grant authorization to execute a contract for investment management services for the John C. Chaffin fund with an initial contract term of five years and an option to renew for an additional three-year
  • Authorize the transfer of $150,000 from Law Department Full Time Salaries term to retain outside counsel to continue the work of Deputy City Solicitor Jeffrey Honig.

Zoning and Planning will meet TONIGHT to discuss the following:

  • Appointment of Joel Shames to the Auburndale Historic District Commission
  • Joint public hearing with the Planning and Development Board on a proposed ordinance to regulate embodied carbon in new construction
  • Presentation of version 2 of the draft VCOD maps and discuss how these maps and version 2 metrics can help Newton reach compliance with the MBTA Communities requirements within the context of ongoing Village Center Zoning and discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice element of the MA Economic Development legislation

Land Use will meet on Tuesday to discuss the following requests:

  • A free-standing sign at 1010 Chestnut Street
  • A consistency ruling for a height increase at 424-432 Cherry Streett
  • Amend a previously approved special permit, add patio seats, and remove parking stalls at 344-346 Elliot Street
  • Further increase the nonconforming FAR, allow an accessory building and a dormer at 20 Norwood Avenue
  • Allow four single-family attached dwellings in two buildings at 77 Hartford Street

Full City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday to discuss the Retirement Board’s request to increase the Cost of Living Adjustment Base (COLA).

Traffic Council will meet on Thursday to discuss the following:

  • Review changes to parking regulations on Grove Street between Washington Street and Colgate Road.
  • Request changes in the distribution of parking spaces in the Lexington Street Lot to accommodate NewMo Vehicles.
  • Request replacement of the “Right Turn on Red After Stop” sign at the Ward Street northeast bound intersection of Ward Street, Stuart Road, and Waverley Avenue with a “No Turn on Red” sign.
  • Request parking restrictions on one side of Ashmont Avenue
  • Request changes to parking restrictions on the north side of Tremont Street between the Boston City Line and Playstead Road (eastern end).
  • Request changes to parking regulations on a small section of Armory Street.
  • Request changes to parking regulations on JFK Circle in front of Haywood House.


School Committee will meet TONIGHT and discuss the following:

  • Countryside Design Enrollment and Space Program
  • FY2023 Scovell Fund Transfer
  • Private School Enrollment
  • Vaccination Policy Review
  • Calendar Working Group Update
  • FY24 Budget Review with possible Straw and Final Vote

School Committee will hold a special meeting on Tuesday and discuss and possibly vote on the FY24 Budget if the vote is not taken on Monday evening.

Negotiations subcommittee of the Newton School Committee will meet three times this week:

  • TODAY to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the NTA.
  • Tuesday to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Newton Public Schools Custodian Association (NPSCA) and conduct a collective bargaining session with the NPSCA.
  • Wednesday to conduct a collective bargaining session with the NTA, Units A-E, and discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the NTA.

Boards and Commissions

Planning and Development Board will meet TONIGHT in a joint public hearing with the Zoning and Planning Committee on a proposed ordinance to regulate embodied carbon in new construction

Newton Cultural Council will meet TONIGHT: Youth Council Members, Grant Recipient reception, community input survey, and West Newton Cinema update

Newton Parks and Recreation Commission will meet TONIGHT: Informational session on St. Mary of Carmen Festival and Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremonial Celebration, proposed wayfinding signs for Cold Spring Park

Newton Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday:

  • Board to approve attendance at Spring 2023 MACRS conference (June 4, 2023-June 7, 2023 Hyannis)
  • Zoom software
  • MA Public Records law – Exemption O
  • Pre-employment physicals – Chairman Lopez’ update re: March 16, 2023 request for meeting with Mayor Fuller
  • 5% Local COLA Option-Memo provided to Mayor Fuller on February 22, 2023
  • FY24 COLA Increase
  • 4/10/23 Request to City Council for approval of an incremental increase to COLA Base ($1k per year from FY24-FY26), 6.6% growth rate, fully funded date of FY32
  • January 2023 Actuarial Valuation
  • 4/20/23 Request to PERAC for clarification re: “Once a Member Always a Member”– Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in Retirement Board of Stoneham v. Contributory Retirement Appeal Board & another SJC-12098 December 22, 2016.
  • Current status of pending disability retirement applications
  • Current status of pending appeal cases – The Board may enter Executive Session pursuant to Purpose 3 of the Open Meeting Law to discuss litigation strategy.

Underwood-Ward Working Group will meet on Tuesday:

  • Working Group Meeting Norms
  • Working Group Mission and Goals
  • Timeline and Expectations
  • Strengths and Challenges Exercise
  • Feedback and Questions

Newton Free Library Board of Trustees Nominating and Governance Committee will meet on Tuesday:

  • Policy review update. Policies: Behavior expectations; Meeting Room Use; Programs.
  • Trustee terms/ Trustee vacancies – Terms ending June 30, 2023 – Joanna Josephson, Bharat Bhushan
  • Officer nominations – Process to create Officer Slate
  • Library Director’s feedback regarding Trustees and processes

Countryside School Building Committee will meet on Tuesday:

  • Review and Approval of Preferred Schematic Report (Vote Expected)
  • Schedule/Timeline Update

Board of Licensing Commissioners will meet on Tuesday:

  • Public Hearing to authorize HHS staff to review and approve city-sponsored one-day entertainment licenses
  • 3 Requests for one-day temporary entertainment licenses
  • 4 Requests for one-day temporary wine and malt licenses
  • 3 Requests for one-day temporary wine and malt license and entertainment licenses:
  • Request for a new common victualler license at Crystal Bakery Corp d/b/a Crystal Bakery,
  • 2 Requests for change of managers
    • Toasted Brothers Chestnut Hill LLC d/b/a The Friendly Toast,
    • The Cheesecake Factory Restaurants Inc d/b/a The Cheesecake Factory
  • Request for a new wine and malt restaurant license, a common victualler license and an annual entertainment license to be exercised at Mia’s Bakery Chestnut Hill, LLC d/b/a Mia’s Bakery
  • Request for a transfer of an all-alcohol restaurant license from 761 Beacon LLC, a new common victualler license and a new annual entertainment license to be exercised at Sushico LLC d/b/a Sushico LLC

Council on Aging and Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday:

  • Needs Assessment Project
  • PLAAN Report
  • NewCAL Update – Status of the lawsuit
    • New myseniorcenter database system
  • Senior Services Budget
  • Visits to Senior Centers in other communities

Election Commission will meet on Wednesday:

  • Approval of Election Calendar
  • Update on RFP for new voting machines
  • Updates on polling locations

Library Board of Trustees will meet on Wednesday:

  • Staff introductions, Silva Roma, Assistant Supervisor of Borrower Services
  • FY2024 Library City Budget

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday and hold two public hearings:

  • Request for a variance in order to raze and construct a two-story attached garage, resulting in an increase in building height to 36.4 feet from the existing conforming height of 35.3 feet at 46 Valley Spring Road.
  • Request for a Comprehensive Permit to construct a nine-story mixed-use development with 410 residential units and approximately 10,689 square feet of ground-floor commercial space at 160 Charlemont Street and 56 Christina Street – Northland Charlemont

Newton Citizen Commission on Energy will meet on Wednesday and discuss meet on Wednesday and discuss the resolution adopted by the City Council on gas transition in Newton, and its follow-up.

Newton Historical Commission will meet on Thursday:

Sustainable Material Management Commission will meet on Thursday:

  • Taking action on SMMD MassDEP Technical Assistance Grant Report release
  • Update on private hauler ordinance
  • Report on survey of Newton multi-unit building waste service
  • Update on proposed expanded sustainable packaging ordinance
  • Preparing for 2025 waste hauling contract (survey, public forums, etc)


City Councilors weigh in on Funding for Feasibility Study for 107 Charles Street DCR Building. See letter.

Northland/Charlemont 40B Request on ZBA’s agenda for Wednesday.

This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.

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