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Traffic Council – 3/23/2023 Report

The Traffic Council voted to approve the following requests (see Report):

  • Add a ‘No Turn on Red’ restriction facing the Perkins Street northbound approach at Washington Street.
  • Change the parking regulations on Jackson Road between Pearl Street and the Watertown Town Line to address safety concerns stemming from vehicles parked on both sides of this section of Jackson Road. Two options were considered. Option 2 prevailed: Parking would be allowed on the west side (school side) of the street. Signs would be installed on the residential side indicating “no parking 8am to 4pm, school days”. The Blue Zone and bus zone would not change.
  • Stop sign at the intersection of Lakewood Road at Lake Avenue.
  • Stop sign on the traffic island at the northwest corner of the Clark Street and Rowena Road intersection (Clark Street southbound). This is a large intersection and there was debate about how effective the stop sign would be for improving safety.
  • Change the parking regulations in the area of Watertown Street near 687 Watertown Street, and possibly abutting blocks, to prepare for the move of the Newton Early Childhood Program to 687 Watertown Street. The change approved includes a 15-minute limit, 8AM-4PM, school days, from a point 150 feet west of Edinboro Street to a point 40 feet east of Albemarle Road (northbound leg), north side; One hour limit, 8AM-4PM, school days, from a point 25 feet east of Brookside Avenue to a point 60 feet west of Walker Street, south side.
  • Change the parking regulations on a small section of Crafts Street between Washington Street and Ashmont Avenue. Loading Zone, 15-Minute Limit, all days, all hours, from a point 275 feet south of Maguire Court, 65 feet southerly.
  • Establish a 20 MPH Safety Zone on Crafts Street between Watertown Street and 500 feet west of the Albemarle southbound roadway segment. The safety zone was extended to include Fessenden Lane with a park/playground area. According to the report, the item was docketed in response to recent crashes and to improve safety in the area. Safety zones are to be used in areas that are adjacent to a land use (parks and playgrounds, senior housing and centers, hospitals or other medical facilities, high schools, and daycare facilities) and for specific areas with vulnerable road users. The safety zone should be at least a quarter of a mile and should not extend more than 500 ft. beyond a side street unless an applicable land use continues along the adjacent block. The recommendation is to install a 20 mph safety zone between Watertown Street and 500 feet west of Albemarle Road, southbound roadway segment. In this case, the boundaries of the proposed Safety Zone were based on the location of the Albemarle Field and Avery Woods, Linwood Park, and the Education Center, which includes a High School.

The Traffic Council held the following request:

  • Temporary and permanent changes in terms of the location and duration of public parking spaces, location of traffic signals, and changes to traffic circulation within and proximate to Commonwealth Avenue in Auburndale, to include abutting blocks of intersecting streets, to facilitate the reconstruction of Commonwealth Avenue and the Commonwealth Avenue carriageway between Higgins Street and the Weston Line. Held for a long-term trial.

The Traffic Council voted No Action Necessary on the following requests:

  • Create a ‘No Left Turn’ restriction at the Albemarle Road southbound approach to Crafts Street. (Wards 2 & 3) (5-0) Many residents spoke in opposition. The area received a MassDOT Safe Routes to School Grant and will get a traffic signal, pedestrian button, and rapid flashing beacon in the summer of 2026.
  • Prohibit parking at all times on the north side of Oak Street between Needham Street and Abbott Street in order to shift the double yellow center line and extend two approach lanes to Abbott Street beginning at Needham Street. This was an old item, no longer needed after the reconfiguration of the intersection at Christina, Oak, and Needham St.
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