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Stone: Save Understanding Our Differences!

I urge the Newton School Committee to reinstate Understanding Our Differences (UOD) in its budget. For very few dollars, this program has an outsized impact on the culture of our community, teaching students (and parent volunteers) to see each individual person in their entirety. I cannot overstate the beneficial impact of UOD since its inception, by parents of children with disabilities, 45 years ago. My own children benefited enormously in elementary school; as a volunteer, I learned a great deal; and as a speaker for one of the units, I see how students come alive with questions and empathy when they learn about disabilities and chronic medical conditions.

UOD is a gateway program for helping children process their feelings and know how to behave when, inevitably, they notice a difference of some kind. No matter whether the difference is one of ability, race, immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation – noticing differences requires us to approach with respect, curiosity, and sensitivity. Without UOD, we risk coarsening our culture and raising children who jeer and exclude rather than approach and include.

Please keep this creative, collaborative, ingenious program that accomplishes such good in our community!

Jennifer Stone

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