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Public Safety and Transportation – 3/23/2023 Report

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Request to petition the General Court to allow the Mayor to appoint retired firefighters to be able to perform fire details, and to perform dispatch duties. Chief Gentile addressed the Committee and responded to questions. He stated that this item would allow them to fill vacancies in fire details (work includes welding, hot work, and blasting as well as when an occupied building loses its fire alarm system) and the Emergency Dispatch Center. He emphasized that they are not currently struggling to fill these areas now, that the details would be paid by the contractor requesting the details, he is not aware of other communities doing this, and that there are about 6 retired firefighters who expressed interest.
  • Request to transfer $450,000 (from Wage Reserve?) to Traffic Safety – Regular Salaries to fulfill the City of Newton’s two 3-year agreements with AFSCME 2913 spanning FY2019-2021 and FY2022-2024. The Committee was joined by Police Chief Carmichael, who stated that the Parking Control Officers and Traffic Supervisors (Crossing Guards) had been working without a contract and added that the contract calls for a 3% COLA increase over a six-year period covering 10 Parking Control Officers and 50 crossing guards.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to hold the following:

  • Regular discussion with the Police Department. The discussion focused on training in domestic violence, sexual assault investigation, hate crimes, and public safety technology. Chief Carmichael reported a “substantial increase in hate crimes” and thinks the pilot program of using body cameras will begin this summer.
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