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Programs and Services – 4/19/2023 Report

The Programs and Services Committee voted to approve the following: (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Request to approve the date of Tuesday, September 12, 2023, as the date for the 2023 Preliminary Election, if needed (6-0, Baker not voting)

The Programs & Services Committee voted to hold the following:

  • Discussion and possible amendment to Section 12-72 “Sustainable Containers, Packaging,, and Single Use Ordinance” to further reduce the amount of single-use plastic in Newton.

Ward 6 Councilor Danberg, who introduced the item, reported that 400 businesses were contacted and 89 were surveyed and that the Plastics Reduction Working Group identified that they would need more time to prepare for the updated ordinance to include a ban on black plastic (non-recyclable) and single-use water bottles (80% not recycled), which will apply to businesses including Newton-Wellesley Hospital and grocery stores. At the Public Hearing, 10 people spoke in favor of the ordinance including representatives from the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Charles River Watershed Association, the Sustainable Materials Management Commission, Green Newton, and two students. Four business owners raised concerns, particularly regarding the cost of water, supply chain capacity for non-black plastic containers, and customers purchasing fewer healthy beverage options. In addition, a balloon artist and a balloon lobbyist from the Coalition for Responsible Celebration raised concerns about the proposed ban on helium balloons, and one resident expressed concern about increased costs to businesses.

  • Request for a Home Rule Petition to prohibit the purchase or application of anti-coagulant rodenticides in Newton.

Ward 2 Councilor Emily Norton introduced the item and reported that wildlife, including bald eagles, have been killed by consuming rodenticides. She said that there were no studies on the efficacy of these poisons in reducing rodent population and that rat populations were actually increasing due a build up of resistance to the poison. The Law Department is currently creating a home rule petition to submit to the State similar to the one submitted by the Town of Arlington.

  • Amendments to tree ordinances were held due to the late hour and depth of the topic and will be discussed at future meeting.
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