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Newton Conservators webinar: Stories the Rocks Tell — An introduction to the geological history of Newton and Eastern Massachusetts, Apr. 19

The Newton Conservators invite you to an online webinar about the geological history of Newton and Eastern Massachusetts, on April 19, 7PM-8:30PM. Register here.

Newton’s rocks are like ancient scrolls for those who can interpret them, telling fascinating stories of continental collisions, high mountains forming, explosive volcanic eruptions, and evidence of ancient glaciers. Chris Hepburn will tell us a bit about how to read the geological record of the rocks in and around Newton and their exciting history, including their journey, via plate tectonic movements, from where they originated near the South Pole almost 600 million years ago. Chris has a Ph.D. in Geology from Harvard and is Professor Emeritus at Boston College. He has spent over 50 years studying the rocks of New England and the northern Appalachians and has authored and co-authored dozens of articles on them in scientific journals. He has led numerous geological field excursions for professionals, students, and the Conservators to the outcrops in Newton. Chris is currently co-president of the Conservators.

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