The Newton Conservators invite you and your kids to explore how early spring affects Cold Spring Park. We will let what catches participants’ eyes guide our walk! Early flowers and plants will be making themselves visible this time of year. Together, we will explore the trails along the swamp, woods, and meadow in Cold Spring Park. Open to children 5 – 9 years old accompanied by an adult. Registration required and limited to 10 children. A waitlist will be available if registration is filled. Meeting location and directions will be mailed to all registrants before the walk. The walk will take place April 8, 10AM-11:30AM. Trip Leaders are Barbara Bates ( and Sam Corbin, naturalists. This FREE walk is the first in the Newton Conservators Spring 2023 Walk Series. Check out the latest Newton Conservators walks, webinars, invasive sessions, and other events in their Events Listing.