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Marshall: Newton North drag queen performance

I urge all parents of students at Newton North to keep their sons and daughters home from school this April 14, as a protest against the school’s plan to have them view a self-described “whore”, a man dressed as a woman, exhibit, at taxpayer expense, sexually provocative, indecent behavior. Ask yourselves:  Would you take your son or daughter to a brothel?  No? Then why bring the whore to the school? 

Don’t teenagers have enough problems growing into their adult roles as adult men and women? Why confuse, frighten and bewilder them, instead of encouraging them towards healthy mature behavior? 

Sexual identity as a choice of adults is one thing, but inflicting it on immature human beings with the stamp of approval of a school system gone awry is another. 

That a teacher at Newton North initiated this event and that its principal approved it will no doubt lead even more parents wonder whether they can in good conscience still have their children attend such an institution.

Traute Marshall

Ed. note: Please also see a subsequent letter on this topic from Dr. Kathleen Smith, Interim Superintendent of Newton Public Schools.

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