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HHS Office of Civil Rights dismisses complaint against Newton North High School’s Theater Ink

According to a press release from the Newton Public Schools (NPS), the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Education has notified NPS that OCR has closed its investigation of allegations of discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin regarding the staging of Lost and Found at Newton North High School in January. OCR found no evidence of any violation of the law (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) in this case and indicated that no further action is needed.

Lost and Found was presented by Theatre Ink, Newton North’s “teaching and working theatre,” which offers about 12 performances a year, with participation open to all students.

Interim Superintendent Kathleen Smith said, “We are pleased that this complaint has been closed and that we may move forward in continuing to provide opportunities for students to perform and express themselves in a variety of ways. While centered in the stories of the lives of our students of color, no one was turned away or excluded from participating or having a role in the Lost and Found production. In fact, we were pleased to have a wonderfully diverse cast and crew who brought the entire show to life.”

Henry Turner, Principal of Newton North High School, said, “Our award winning Fine and Performing Arts (FPA) department at Newton North, which includes Theatre Ink, is one of the crown jewels of our school. We are proud that FPA has consistently been a place for students to use art to push boundaries and challenge themselves and our community with difficult conversations and topics.”

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