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Gagen: Inaccuracies in article about Village Center Zoning Redesign

The article Village Center Zoning Redesign, version 2.0 is inaccurate in several aspects. It gives the false impressive that the Newton Planning Department recommends new zoning that far exceeds the requirement of state law.

The article states that the Planning Department Version 1.0 of new zoning  maps would allow the building of 8330 housing units. This is not the case. Version 1.0 maps provided for an additional 3500 units that could be built by right. The 8330 figure refers to the number of units that Newton must allow by right under state regulations to implement the MBTA Communities Act. It is a state mandate that the city must obey. 

The article also states that state regulations call for “aggregate gross density of 15 units per acre” and “the total required land area is 50 acres.” These are minimum requirements for communities affected by the state law. The state mandates that Newton, with its large number of existing housing units, must do much more to reach the 8330 figure.

The article implies that the Version 2.0 maps go far beyond the state requirement, when in fact they do not. The Planning Departments estimates that its recommendations might result in the building of 10,000 units – a bit more than the state requires and subject to adjustment by the City Council. 

The city needs to change its zoning code to encourage the creation of housing and to abide by state law. These changes are both complex and controversial. Reporting on zoning needs to be done with great care and attention to accuracy.

Thomas Gagen

Ed. Note: With gratitude, we have updated the referenced article to reflect corrections noted in this letter.

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