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Disrupting Implicit Bias: Presentation and discussion, Apr. 26

There will be a presentation and community discussion on Disrupting Implicit Bias on Wednesday, April 26 at 7:30PM, co-sponsored by the Newton PTOC (Parent Teacher Organization Council, FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice), ELPAC (English Learners Parent Advisory Council), and SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council). This will be a hybrid event, held in-person at the Angier Elementary School cafeteria and remotely (Zoom link). The meeting will be recorded.

The evening will begin with a presentation by Dr. Tessa Charlesworth, a Harvard researcher who studies how and why beliefs and attitudes about different social groups can change. Her presentation will provide an overview of bias in society with respect to various social groups and explore what research indicates are the best interventions to shift the biases of a society, organization, and individual. The presentation will be followed by Q&A and a community discussion.

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