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City Council Meetings – Week of 4/23/2023

Finance Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, April 24 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Comptroller transmitting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and external audit reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 for City Council review/acceptance. See Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022, City of Newton FY 22 Management Letter, and City of Newton FY 22 Single Audit
  • Request to appropriate and expend $1,150,000 and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the feasibility study at the Franklin Elementary School and authorization to apply any premium received upon the sale of the bonds or notes, less the cost of preparing, issuing, and marketing them, and any accrued interest received upon the delivery of the bonds or notes to the costs of the project and to reduce the amount authorized to be borrowed for the project by like amount.
  • Request to accept two Combination Dynamic Speed Feedback and School Zone Speed Limit Sign Assemblies, awarded through the MassDOT Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program,
  • Request for approval to enter into a five-year contract with a Parking Enforcement Services Vendor.
  • Request authorization to execute a contract for investment management services for the John C. Chaffin fund with an initial contract term of five years and the option to renew for additional three-year terms.
  • Request to transfer $150,000 from Law Department Full-Time Salaries to the Law Department Legal Services Account to retain outside counsel to continue the work of Deputy City Solicitor Jeffrey Honig.

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, April 24 at 6:45PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Joel Shames to the Auburndale Historic District Commission
  • Joint Public Hearing with the Planning and Development Board on a request to amend the zoning ordinance (Section 5.13, notable 5.13.4.D Reserved) to regulate embodied carbon in large new construction, to further the objectives of the city’s Climate Action Plan.

Chair’s Note: Planning staff will present version 2 of the draft VCOD maps and discuss how these maps and version 2 metrics can help Newton reach compliance with the MBTA Communities requirements.

  • Request for a review, discussion, and possible ordinance amendments relative to Chapter 30 zoning ordinances pertaining to Mixed Use, Business Districts, and Village Districts relative to the draft Zoning Ordinance. See Planning Memo.
  • Request for a discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice element of the MA Economic Development legislation.

Land Use will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, April 25 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to replace an unpermitted free-standing sign with a 24-square-foot free-standing sign in the same approximate location at 1010 Chestnut Street. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.

NOTE: The Committee will review a request for a consistency ruling for 424-432 Cherry Street. The petitioner is seeking a consistency ruling from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services to increase the height of the proposed multifamily building. The Commissioner is seeking the opinion of the Land Use Committee on the matter. See Planning Memo.

  • Request to amend a previously approved Special Permit with site plan modifications to remove six parking stalls to be used for outdoor dining seats and to waive 20 parking stalls at 344-346 Elliot Street. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to further extend nonconforming FAR; to allow an oversized detached accessory apartment and to allow a dormer within three feet of the intersection of the roof and main building wall at 20 Norwood Avenue. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow an additional unit within the existing dwelling, to allow attached single-family dwellings; to reduce the required lot area per unit; to reduce the minimum front setback; to reduce the minimum side setback; to reduce the minimum rear setback; to exceed 36 feet in height; to allow three stories; to waive one parking stall and to allow a driveway within 10 feet of the side lot line and parking within 20 feet of the side lot line at 77 Hartford Street. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.

City Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, April 26 at 8AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request from the Retirement Board to approve an increase to the retiree Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) base from $12,000 to $13,000 in FY24, from $13,000 to $14,000 in FY25, and from $14,000 to $15,000 in FY26 pursuant to Chapter 32, Section 103(j), such increase to be effective July 1, 2023.

Traffic Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, April 27 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request to review and assess a change to the parking regulations on Grove Street between Washington Street and Colgate Road.
  • Request to change the distribution of parking spaces in the Lexington Street Lot in order to accommodate NewMo Vehicles.
  • Request to replace the “Right Turn on Red After Stop” sign located at the Ward Street northeast bound intersection of Ward Street, Stuart Road and Waverley Avenue with a “No Turn on Red” sign.
  • Request to restrict parking on one side of Ashmont Avenue to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles as well as buses, trash and recycling vehicles.
  • Request to restrict parking on the north side of Tremont Street between the Boston City Line and Playstead Road (eastern end). This change will effectively only change the parking restrictions in front of 147 Tremont Street, which does not allow for legal parking, beyond 5 feet of a driveway, for most vehicles due to the location of the driveway curb cuts and a fire hydrant.
  • Request made on behalf of Civico Development, for discussion and possible action to change the parking regulations on a small section of Armory Street. This item is docketed in accordance with the site plan associated with Comprehensive Permit #10-22 of the Newton Zoning Board of Appeals for 1135-1137 Washington Street, as approved on January 11, 2023, which indicates a cutout and addition of parking along a small portion of Armory Street.
  • Request to discuss and vote to change the parking regulations on JFK Circle in front of Haywood House.
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