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Nonprofits weigh in on ballot questions about override and debt exclusions

Several nonprofit organizations have publicly stated their views on three tax increases proposed by Mayor Ruthanne Fuller that will be decided by the three ballot questions in the March 14 election.

One proposal is for an operating override to increase the amount the City can collect in property taxes next year by $9.175 million, with that amount growing by 2.5% annually in the future.

The other two proposals are for debt exclusions that increase property taxes to cover the cost of borrowing for two capital projects — to rebuild/renovate Countryside and Franklin schools. Those debt exclusions are expected to add level amounts to the City’s annual tax collections ($2.3 million for Countryside and $3.5 million for Franklin) ramping up around 2030 and continuing for the expected 25-to-30-year terms of borrowing for those projects, after which they expire.

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