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Korn: Newton South HS student says vote Yes on Override

Hello. I am a student at Newton South high school and I am very concerned.There override vote happening on March 14. This override would allocate around $4.5 million to the Newton Public Schools and it is desperately needed. Without it the Newton Public Schools will be forced to cut certain programs including ones in the athletics department, academic department, and arts department. Not to mention they might be forced to fire 40-50 teachers.

As a high school student our classes and our extracurriculars, simply put, are our lives. They are what connect us to our friends and encourage us to meet new people and form tight communities based on our classes and extracurriculars. The cutting of extracurricular activities offered in Newton Public School could mean that students might not be able to participate in the activities that they love and could alter the rest of their lives. But if the override doesn’t pass students may miss out on the opportunity to do the activities they love, opportunities they may not get for the rest of their lives.

In addition, 40-50 teachers could lose their jobs which is a part of the override that is often overlooked. Because what is being discussed is cutting classes, classes that are literally teaching the future of the world. If classes that aren’t interesting or engaging to students are being offered we will be less likely to want to learn or really put in effort. They need to be engaged and academically challenged so that they can learn what they need to learn to be functioning members of society. All of that could be avoided by passing the override and voting yes on March 14.

Seth Korn

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