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Finance – 3/13/2023 Report

The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Acceptance of $11,939 from the National Environmental Health Association. NOTE: The grant will help fund a software program called WinWam, which standardizes training and inspections to help reduce foodborne illness and is used by the Health & Human Services to inspect food establishments.
  • Acceptance of $100,000 from Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. NOTE: This grant will be used to complete the LED lighting project at Newton South High School and to install cold-weather heat pumps in the second-floor living quarters of Fire Station 1. 
  • Request to appropriate $33,289 from the Energy Stabilization Fund to complete the replacement of thermostats and control valves at Fire Station 1, which is part of the heat pump project.
  • Request to appropriate and expend a total of $4,340,000 — i.e., $3,255,000 in grant funding and $1,085,000 in an interest-free loan from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Sewer Infiltration/Inflow Local Financial Assistance Program Phase 14 — for the design and construction of Sewer CIP Project 9 — sewer main replacement, spot repairs, cleaning and lining in Oak Hill Park, Wells Avenue, and Nahanton Street area.
  • Acceptance of $69,878.60 from MassDEP’s Electric Vehicle Incentive Program for Public Access Charging for 5 EV chargers with 10 total ports. NOTE: According to the Report, former Transportation Director Nicole Freedman said that the program is to install electric vehicle (EV) chargers at the Pleasant Street parking lot (2 chargers), Pearl Street parking lot (2 chargers), and the northeast corner of Washington Street and Elm Street (2 chargers). Former Director Freedman added the grant covers the cost of installation and the chargers and that the vote does not include approval for the use of the parking spaces in the Washington Street lot. Greenspot manages the chargers and gives City a share of the revenue. It was also noted that non-EVs in charger parking spots can be ticketed and that there is a 3-hour time limit for charging spots.
  • Acceptance of $190,000 from MassDOT’s Community Transit Grant Program FY23 for funding NewMo rides to the senior center for residents 60 years and older. NOTE: According to the Report, former Director Freedman said that this is an annual grant, is specific to the senior portion of the NewMO micro transit program, and will cover operational costs.
  • Acceptance of $712,459 from MassDOT Community Connections Program FY23-25 for the Newton in Motion (NewMo) micro transit program. NOTE: Former Director of Transportation Nicole Freedman said this is for new services and not operational costs. It will be used for additional NewMo vehicles, transition to EV, and route expansion into Waltham and Watertown. Some Councilors expressed concerns about the sustainability of NewMo.

The Finance Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following:

  • Discussion regarding Newton’s Economic Stability/Mobility Initiative. NOTE: According to the Report the Chair noted that the item was discussed at the 03-08-23 Programs & Services Committee meeting and it is the wish of those who sponsored the item to take it up in one committee rather than in multiple committees.
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