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Finance – 2/27/2023 Report

The Finance Committee voted to hold the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Request a discussion with the City Treasurer regarding current policies and procedures designed to collect delinquent property tax payments and to further discuss possible new policies and procedures to help collect these delinquent accounts.

According to the Report, the item was filed to receive updated information on how the City deals with delinquent property taxes and what State/City laws dictate when the City can put a lien on a property, and the 91 Newtonville Avenue situation (tax delinquency is more than $600K) prompted the discussion. Councilors who docketed the item believe it is important for their colleagues to understand why the City does not take legal action to collect these delinquent taxes and what triggers a property to move from the multi-year delinquent status to Tax lien status and how to avoid the sort of situation represented by 91 Newtonville Avenue.

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