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City Council Meetings – Week of 3/12/2023

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, March 13 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Jyothsna Buddharaju to the Planning & Development Board

Chair’s Note: The Planning staff will continue to lead a discussion through the remaining items to
be decided in advance of drafting version 2, with the goal of reaching a consensus on these items. Topics include parking requirements, how to treat city-owned properties, whether to have special permit options and for what, and new metrics for VC1. The Planning memo in the packet is expanded from the last meeting to include proposed revisions to VC1. We will discuss the committee and Council calendar necessary to meet MBTA Communities’ requirements by December 2023 deadline.

  • Request to review, discussion and possible ordinance amendments relative to Chapter 30 zoning ordinances pertaining to Mixed Use, Business Districts, and Village Districts relative to the draft Zoning Ordinance. (formerly #88-20).

See Planning Memo.

Finance Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, March 13 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request to accept and expend $11,9393 from a National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) grant award that consists of a $4,439 base grant and a $7,500 training add-on grant to improve the City’s conformance with the U,S, Food and Drug Administration’s Retail Program Standards.
  • Request to accept and expend $100,000 in Green Communities Grant funding from the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources for LED lighting and controls at Newton South High School and completing insulation, weatherstripping, and installation of heat pumps at Fire Station 1.
  • Request to appropriate and expend $33,289 from the Energy Stabilization Fund to complete the replacement of thermostats and control valves at Fire Station 1.
  • Requesting to appropriate and expend $3,255,000 in grant funding and authorization to borrow $1,085,000 in an interest-free loan from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Sewer Infiltration/Inflow Local Financial Assistance Program Phase 14, 25% loan/75% grant program for a total of $4,340,000 for the design and construction of Sewer CIP Project 9.
  • Request to accept and expend $69,878.60 in grant funding from MassDEP’s Electric Vehicle Incentive Program – Public Access Charging for 5 EV chargers with 10 total ports.
  • Request to accept and expend $190,000 in grant funding from MassDOT’s Community Transit Grant Program SFY23 for the Newton in Motion (NewMo) Senior Transportation micro transit program.
  • Request to accept and expend $712,459 in grant funding from MassDOT’s Community Connections Program FY23-25 for the Newton in Motion (NewMo) micro transit program.
  • Request a discussion with the Administration regarding Newton’s Economic Stability/Mobility Initiative – A Partnership with EMPath, including the amount of ARPA funds being used for the program; how much of this money will be paid to EMPath, and whether EMPath is contributing any of its own funds to this program; additional city resources that will be used, directly or indirectly, for this program; the expectations for this program beyond the initial two year period and what will be the source of any additional funds for the program; and who in the city will be reviewing and evaluating the success of this program. NOTE: The Chair intends to entertain a motion of No Action Necessary.
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